ESTate planning Tip: legacy contacts on your phone

In this video Isabella Ramon from Axia Wealth Management shares an estate planning tip that allows you to provide trusted members of your estate plan, access to your phone if something were to happen to you.

Recessions & The Market

With the ongoing market volatility, a plethora of news articles to read, and now the possibility of a recession, we wanted to share our thoughts with you on the markets & what a recession could look like.

Inflation & the Markets

This video provides a brief history on inflation, along with with context around how markets and specific asset classes have performed during periods of higher inflation.


Presidential Election Years and the Market

In this video we discuss how markets have performed in previous election years, and also review market performance with different political party’s in the white house.


Covid-19 Market Perspective

This video shows past market declines and provides perspective on magnitude, length, and how the markets rebound.


The inversion of the yield curve….what you need to know

This video discusses the basics of a yield curve and how an inversion can affect the economy.


Bull & Bear Market Cycles

In this video we discuss the history of Bull and Bear market cycles, so you can better understand how to handle volatility. We also show some of the risks associated in trying to time these market cycles.